Kory Korean
Basic 12

-V(으)세요 (Polite Command)


In Korean, the V-(으)세요 form is used to express a polite command, request, or suggestion. It is a more formal and polite expression than the 아/어(요) imperative form, making it suitable for addressing elders, superiors, or those you are not close with.

Verb Stem

To form the V-(으)세요 polite command, you first need to identify the verb stem. Korean verbs usually end in "다" (e.g., 가다, 먹다, 마시다). To find the verb stem, simply remove the "다." For example:

  • 가다 (to go) → 가
  • 먹다 (to eat) → 먹
  • 마시다 (to drink) → 마시

Conjugation Rules

Once you have the verb stem, you can conjugate it into the polite command form by applying the V-(으)세요 rule. The rule depends on whether the verb stem ends in a vowel or a consonant.

Vowel-ending verb stems

If the verb stem ends in a vowel, you need to add '세요' to the stem. Here are some examples:

  • 가다 (to go) → 가 (stem) → 가세요
  • 마시다 (to drink) → 마시 (stem) → 마시세요

Consonant-ending verb stems

For verb stems ending in a consonant, you need to add '으세요' to the stem. Here are some examples:

  • 먹다 (to eat) → 먹 (stem) → 먹으세요
  • 읽다 (to read) -> 읽 (stem) -> 읽으세요


Now let's look at some examples of the V-(으)세요 polite command form in action:

  1. 가다 (to go)
    • 가세요. (Please go.)
  2. 먹다 (to eat)
    • 먹으세요. (Please eat.)
  3. 마시다 (to drink)
    • 마시세요. (Please drink.)
  4. 만들다 (to make)
    • 만드세요. (Please make it.)
  5. 쓰다 (to write)
    • 쓰세요. (Please write it.)
  6. 오다 (to come)
    • 오세요. (Please come.)
  7. 하다 (to do)
    • 하세요. (Please do it.)

Example Sentences

Here are more example sentences using the V-(으)세요 polite command form in various contexts:

  1. 가다 (to go)

    • 내일 아침 9시까지 회사에 가세요. (Please go to the office by 9 a.m. tomorrow.)
    • 휴가를 즐기시려면 이번 주말에 가까운 해변에 가세요. (To enjoy your vacation, please go to the nearest beach this weekend.)
  2. 먹다 (to eat)

    • 길거리 음식을 먹지 않도록 주의하시고, 식당에서만 먹으세요. (Be cautious not to eat street food, and please eat only at restaurants.)
    • 철분이 부족하면 레드미트와 채소를 더 먹으세요. (If you are low on iron, please eat more red meat and vegetables.)
  3. 마시다 (to drink)

    • 하루에 최소한 2리터 물을 마시세요. (Please drink at least 2 liters of water a day.)
    • 감기가 있을 때는 따뜻한 차를 마시세요. (Please drink warm tea when you have a cold.)
  4. 만들다 (to make)

    • 프로젝트 계획서를 완성하기 위해 팀과 협력해 만드세요. (Please collaborate with your team to create a project plan.)
    • 주말에 시간이 있으면 집에서 직접 빵을 만드세요. (If you have time on the weekend, please make bread at home.)
  5. 쓰다 (to write)

    • 교수님께 이메일을 보내기 전에 초안을 쓰세요. (Please write a draft before sending an email to your professor.)
    • 일기를 쓸 때마다 감사한 일들을 적으세요. (Please write down things you are grateful for every time you write a diary entry.)
  6. 오다 (to come)

    • 시간이 되시면 저녁 6시에 저희 집으로 오세요. (If you have time, please come to our house at 6 p.m.)
    • 이번 주말에 쇼핑몰에 오세요. (Please come to the shopping mall this weekend.)
  7. 하다 (to do)

    • 프로젝트가 끝나기 전에 꼭 자료 조사를 하세요. (Please do the research before the project ends.)
    • 퇴근 후에 스트레칭을 하세요. (Please stretch after work.)
  8. 읽다 (to read)

    • 경영 전략에 대한 이해도를 높이기 위해서 이 책을 읽으세요. (Reading this book will increase your understanding of business strategies.)
    • 아이들에게 매일 밤 동화책을 읽으세요. (Please read a fairy tale book to your children every night.)

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