Kory Korean
Basic 04

N에서 N까지, N부터 N까지 (from point A to B)

Discover how to use 'N에서 N까지' and 'N부터 N까지' in Korean to express ranges in time and location. This lesson builds on the use of '-에서' to indicate starting points and covers how to describe spans between two points.

N에서 N까지, N부터 N까지 (from point A to B)

In the previous lesson, you learned about '-에서,' which represents the starting point of a movement and is used with nouns related to time or place. To express a range, whether it's a period of time or a physical location, you can combine '-에서' with '까지' for locations and '-부터' with '까지' for time ranges.

When expressing the physical position or location, we usually use '-에서 까지,'' while when expressing the range of time, we typically use '-부터 까지.'' This way, you can indicate a range of time, distance, or even numbers by utilizing these structures in your sentences.

1. 에서-까지 (From- To, for locations):

  • 에서 까지 is used to indicate a range of locations or positions, representing "from" and "to" in English.

*걸려요 is conjugated from 걸리다. 걸리다 means to be hung, be caught and take (time). In this case, the 걸리다 means ‘take (time)’.

서울에서 부산까지 (From Seoul to Busan)


  1. 학교에서 도서관까지 걸어갔어요. (I walked from the school to the library.)
  2. 집에서 공원까지 뛰어갈 거예요. (I will run from home to the park.)
  3. 지하철에서 회사까지 걸리는 시간은 얼마나 돼요? (How long does it take from the subway station to your office?)
  4. 대학교에서 박물관까지 버스로 갈 수 있어요. (You can go from the university to the museum by bus.)
  5. 친구 집에서 쇼핑몰까지 차로 15(십오)분 걸려요. (It takes 15 minutes by car from my friend's house to the shopping mall.)
  6. 서울에서 제주도까지 비행기로 약 1(한)시간 걸립니다. (It takes about an hour by plane from Seoul to Jeju Island.)
  7. 병원에서 약국까지 걸어서 5(오)분 걸립니다. (It takes 5 minutes to walk from the hospital to the pharmacy.)
  8. 사무실에서 식당까지 자전거로 이동했어요. (I rode a bicycle from the office to the restaurant.)
  9. 가게에서 정류장까지 걸어서 10(십)분 걸립니다. (It takes 10 minutes to walk from the store to the bus stop.)
  10. 한국에서 미국까지 비행기로 약 13(열세)시간 걸립니다. (It takes about 13 hours by plane from Korea to the United States.)

2. 부터-까지 (From- To, for time):

  • 부터 까지 is used to indicate a range of time, representing "from" and "to" or "until" in English.
  1. 오전 9시부터 오후 5시까지 일해요. (I work from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
  2. 월요일부터 금요일까지 학교에 가요. (I go to school from Monday to Friday.)
  3. 6월부터 8월까지 여름 방학이에요. (Summer vacation is from June to August.)
  4. 오후 2시부터 오후 4시까지 회의가 있어요. (There is a meeting from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.)
  5. 내일부터 다음 주까지 친구와 여행 갈 거예요. (I will go on a trip with my friend from tomorrow to next week.)
  6. 그 카페는 아침 7시부터 저녁 10시까지 영업해요. (The cafe is open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.)
  7. 1월부터 12월까지 한 해에는 12개월이 있어요. (There are 12 months in a year, from January to December.)
  8. 아침 8시부터 점심 12시까지 한국어 수업이 있어요. (I have Korean classes from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.)
  9. 오늘부터 다음 달까지 다이어트를 해야 돼요. (I need to go on a diet from today until next month.)

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