Kory Korean
Basic 09

-더/덜 (More/Less)

-더/덜 (More/Less)

In Korean, the grammar points '-더' and '-덜' are used to express 'more' and 'less' in comparison to something or someone else. These grammar points are generally attached to adjectives and adverbs to indicate a comparative level of a particular quality.

Adjective/Adverb + -더 (more) / -덜 (less)

Let's dive into the explanations and examples for a better understanding of these grammar points.

1. -더 (More)

'-더' is attached to adjectives or adverbs to express that something is 'more' compared to another. It can be used in various contexts, such as comparing people, objects, or even personal preferences.


  1. 그 사람이 더 키가 큽니다. (That person is taller.)
  2. 이 책은 저 책보다 더 재미있습니다. (This book is more interesting than that book.)
  3. 저는 커피를 더 많이 마시고 싶어요. (I want to drink more coffee.)

2. -덜 (Less)

'-덜' is attached to adjectives or adverbs to express that something is 'less' compared to another. It can also be used in various contexts, such as comparing people, objects, or personal preferences.


  1. 요즘 날씨가 덜 추워요. (The weather is less cold these days.)
  2. 요즘 날씨가 덜 습해요. (The weather is less humid these days.)
  3. 저는 계란을 덜 익힌 것을 좋아해요. (I prefer eggs cooked less.)

-더 (more) Examples

  1. 여름에 더 땀을 흘립니다. (I sweat more in the summer.)
  2. 이 과자는 저 과자보다 더 달아요. (This snack is sweeter than that snack.)
  3. 이번 시험은 전 시험보다 더 어렵다. (This exam is more difficult than the previous exam.)
  4. 나는 요리를 더 배우고 싶어. (I want to learn more about cooking.)
  5. 오늘은 어제보다 더 덥다. (Today is hotter than yesterday.)
  6. 음악을 듣는 것을 더 즐깁니다. (I enjoy listening to music more.)
  7. 그녀는 더 행복해 보인다. (She looks happier.)
  8. 이번 연극은 저번 연극보다 더 재미있다. (This play is more entertaining than the last one.)

-덜 (less) Examples

  1. 이 음식은 저 음식보다 덜 짜다. (This food is less salty than that food.)
  2. 이번 주말은 지난 주말보다 덜 바쁘다. (This weekend is less busy than last weekend.)
  3. 오늘은 어제보다 덜 추워요. (Today is less cold than yesterday.)
  4. 이 옷은 저 옷보다 덜 비싸요. (This outfit is less expensive than that outfit.)
  5. 저는 음식을 덜 짜게 요리해요. (I cook food with less saltiness.)
  6. 이번 회사가 전 회사보다 덜 정신없어요. (This company is less hectic than the previous one.)
  7. 이 식당은 저 식당보다 덜 붐비고 있어요. (This restaurant is less crowded than that restaurant.)

In Summary

The Korean grammar points '-더' and '-덜' are used to express 'more' and 'less' respectively. They can be attached to adjectives and adverbs to indicate a comparative level of a particular quality. This grammar is useful for expressing comparisons, preferences, and opinions in daily conversations.

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