Kory Korean
Basic 07

-(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ N (Noun Modifier)

-(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ N (Noun Modifier)

'-(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ N' is a type of modifier that is added to a noun in Korean to describe or give more information about it. In English, noun modifiers can be expressed using adjectives or relative clauses. The Korean '-(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ N' construction is similar to using adjectives in English, where an adjective is used to describe a noun. For example, in English we might say 'the red apple' to describe a particular apple, while in Korean we would use the '-(으)ㄴ/-는/-(으)ㄹ N' construction: '빨간 사과' (literally, 'red apple'). Depending on the final consonant or vowel of the noun stem, different endings are used:

Present Tense Adjectives / Past Tense Verbs

  • When the final consonant of the noun stem ends with a consonant, '-은' or '-는' is used as the modifier.

1. '-은' is used when the previous syllable ends with a consonant,


  1. 작다 (to be small) -> 작
  2. 작 + 은
  3. 작은
  4. 작은 사람 (a small chair)


  1. 젊다 (to be young) -> 젊
  2. 젊 + 은
  3. 젊은
  4. 젊은 학생 (a young student)


  1. 읽다 (to read) -> 읽

  2. 읽 + 은

  3. 읽은

  4. 읽은 책 (a book that I read )

2. 'ㄴ' is used when the previous syllable ends with a vowel. For example:


  1. 미치다 (to be crazy) -> 미치
  2. 미치 + ㄴ
  3. 미친
  4. 미친 사람 (a crazy person)


  1. 공부하다 (to study) -> 공부하
  2. 공부하 + ㄴ
  3. 공부한
  4. 공부한 시간 (time I studied)


  1. 헤어지다 (to break up) -> 헤어지
  2. 헤어지 + ㄴ
  3. 헤어진
  4. 헤어진 사람 (a person I broke up with)

Future Tense Verbs

1. When the verb stem ends with a vowel, add '–ㄹ'.


  1. 가다 (to go) -> 가
  2. 갈 + ㄹ
  3. 갈 길 (a road to go)


  1. 만나다 (to meet) -> 만나
  2. 만날 + ㄹ
  3. 만날
  4. 만날 사람 (a person to meet)


  1. 사다 (to buy) -> 사
  2. 살 + ㄹ
  3. 살 물건 (an item to buy)

2. When the verb stem ends with a final consonant, add '–을'.


  1. 먹다 (to eat) -> 먹
  2. 먹을 + 을
  3. 먹을
  4. 먹을 음식 (food to eat)


  1. 읽다 (to read) -> 읽
  2. 읽 + 을
  3. 읽을
  4. 읽을 책 (a book to read)


  1. 찾다 (to find) -> 찾
  2. 찾 + 을
  3. 찾을
  4. 찾을 물건 (an item to find)

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