Kory Korean
Basic 08

-거나 (or)

-거나 (or)

The Korean grammar pattern "-거나" is used to express "or" in English, providing options or alternatives between two or more elements in a sentence. This pattern is primarily used with verbs, but can also be used with adjectives.

To use the "-거나" pattern with verbs or adjectives, you first need to identify the verb or adjective stem, then attach "-거나" directly to the stem. The resulting verb or adjective will mean "either... or".

Here are some examples using the "-거나" pattern with verbs or adjectives:

가다 (to go)

  1. 가다 -> 가
  2. 가 + 거나
  3. 가거나
  • 집에 가거나 친구를 만나러 가요. (I'll either go home or go to meet a friend.)

먹다 (to eat)

1 .먹다 -> 먹
2. 먹 + 거나
3. 먹거나

  • 피자를 먹거나 스파게티를 먹을 거예요. (I'll either eat pizza or spaghetti.)

보다 (to see/watch)

  1. 보다 -> 보
  2. 보 + 거나
  3. 보거나
  • 텔레비전을 보거나 책을 읽을 거예요. (I'll either watch TV or read a book.)

자다 (to sleep)

  1. 자다 -> 자
  2. 자 + 거나
  3. 자거나
  • 밤에 일찍 자거나 늦게까지 놀 거예요. (At night, I'll either sleep early or stay up late.)

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