Kory Korean
Basic 09



In Korean, 'A/V지만' is a grammar point used to express 'but' when contrasting two clauses or ideas. It is attached to a verb or adjective to connect two sentences with different or opposite meanings. This grammar point is commonly used to convey contrasting information or to express exceptions.

Let's take a closer look at the grammar point 'A/V지만' through explanations and examples.

'A/V지만' is attached to an adjective or verb to connect two sentences with contrasting or different ideas. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing situations, providing explanations, or expressing opinions.


  1. 날씨가 춥지만 맑아요. (The weather is cold but clear.)
  2. 그 사람은 똑똑하지만 게으르다. (That person is smart but lazy.)
  3. 이 음식은 맛있지만 비싸요. (This food is delicious but expensive.)

Practical Usage

The grammar point 'A/V지만' is often used in everyday conversations to express contrasting information, exceptions, or to provide explanations. Here are some examples:

  1. 학교는 멀지만 교통이 편리해요. (The school is far but the transportation is convenient.)
  2. 오늘은 바빴지만 즐거웠어요. (Today was busy but enjoyable.)
  3. 사진이 어둡지만 예쁘다. (The photo is dark but pretty.)
  4. 저는 영어를 할 줄 알지만 한국어를 못 해요. (I can speak English but I can't speak Korean.)
  5. 커피가 맛없지만 갈증이 심해서 마셔요. (The coffee doesn't taste good, but I drink it because I'm thirsty.)
  6. 집이 작지만 아늑하다. (The house is small but cozy.)

Present Tense

Follow this rule:

  1. Take off 다.
  2. Add 지만.

  1. 이 책은 얇지만 내용이 풍부해요. (This book is thin but has rich content.)
  2. 인애는 젊지만 경험이 많아요. (Inae is young but has a lot of experience.)
  3. 컴퓨터가 느리지만 사용하기에 충분해요. (The computer is slow but sufficient to use.)
  4. 이 과일은 작지만 맛있어요. (This fruit is small but tastes good.)

Past Tense

Follow this rule:

  1. Take off 다.
  2. Add 았/었/했지만.

  1. 그 사람은 예전에 가난했지만 지금은 부자예요. (That person was poor before but worked hard.)
  2. 점심이 맛이 없었지만 배가 고파서 먹었어요. (The lunch didn't taste good, but I ate it because I was hungry.)
  3. 영화는 재미없었지만 배우들의 연기는 좋았어요. (The movie was not interesting, but the actors' performances were good.)
  4. 파티가 시끄러웠지만 즐거웠어요. (The party was noisy but enjoyable.)

Future Tense

Follow this rule:

  1. Take off 다.
  2. Add ㄹ(을) 거지만.

  1. 바쁘지만 운동할 거예요. (I am busy but will exercise.)
  2. 공부를 안 했지만 결과가 좋을 거예요. (I did not study, but the result will be good.)
  3. 짐이 가볍겠지만 도움을 요청할 거예요. (The luggage will be light, but I will get help.)
  4. 비가 오지 않을 거지만 우산을 가져갈 거예요. (It will not rain, but I will bring an umbrella.)

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