Kory Korean
Basic 11

-N 때문에 and -기 때문에

The Korean grammar pattern N 때문에 and -기 때문에 are both used to express the reason or cause of something. They are often translated as 'because of N' or 'due to N' in English.

-N 때문에 and -기 때문에

The Korean grammar pattern N 때문에 and -기 때문에 are both used to express the reason or cause of something. They are often translated as 'because of N' or 'due to N' in English.

N can be any noun or noun phrase, and is often followed by the particle -이/가 to mark it as the subject of the sentence. The verb in the second clause is usually in the present tense, and the sentence structure is typically (N) 때문에 or (N)-기 때문에 (verb or adjective).

N- 때문에


  1. 시험(exam) + 때문에
  2. 졸업식(graduation[ceremony]) + 때문에
  3. 날씨(weather) + 때문에
  4. 이사(moving) + 때문에
  5. 공부(studying) + 때문에
  • 시험 때문에 친구와 놀지 못 했어요 (I couldn't hang out with my friend because of the exam.)
  • 졸업식 때문에 차가 밀려요.(There is traffic congestion due to the graduation ceremony.)
  • 날씨 때문에 야외 활동을 취소했어요. (We canceled the outdoor activity because of the weather.)
  • 이사 때문에 바빴어요. (I was busy because of the move.)
  • 공부하기 때문에 바쁘다. (I'm busy because I'm studying.)

-기 때문에


  1. 비가 오기(raining) + 때문에
  2. 있기(to have, to exist) + 때문에
  3. 피곤하기(to be tired) + 때문에
  4. 오기(come) + 때문에
  5. 아프기(hurt) + 때문에
  • 비가 오기 때문에 우산을 챙겼어요. (I brought an umbrella because it's raining.)
  • 내일 시험이 있기 때문에 오늘은 늦게까지 공부할 거야. (I'm going to study late tonight because I have an exam tomorrow.)
  • 피곤하기 때문에 오늘은 일찍 자야겠어요. (I need to go to bed early today because I'm tired.)
  • 선생님이 오시기 때문에 교실을 청소해야 해요. (We need to clean the classroom because the teacher is coming.)
  • 친구가 아프기 때문에 모임에 참석하지 못했다. (I couldn't attend the gathering because my friend was sick.)

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