Kory Korean
Basic 10

-N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때

-N 때, A/V-(으)ㄹ 때

In Korean, the grammar pattern 'N 때' and 'A/V-(으)ㄹ 때' are commonly used to express 'when' in sentences. They are used to indicate a specific point in time or a condition that triggers an event or action. Let's take a closer look at each of these patterns.

1. When the verb stem ends in a vowel, add –ㄹ 때.

가다 (to go)

  1. 가다 -> 가
  2. 가 + ㄹ 때
  3. 갈 때.

보다 (to see)

  1. 보다 -> 보
  2. 보 + ㄹ 때
  3. 볼 때.

운동하다 (to exercise)

  1. 운동하다 -> 운동하
  2. 운동하 + ㄹ 때
  3. 운동할 때.


  • 체육관에 갈 때 음료수를 사 가세요. (Please buy a drink when you go to the gym.)
  • 영화를 볼 때 조용히 해주세요. (Please be quiet when watching a movie.)
  • 운동할 때는 아무 말도 하지 않아요. (I don't say anything when I exercise.)

2. When the verb stem ends with a final consonant, add –을 때.

입다 (to wear)

  1. 입다 -> 입
  2. 입 +을 때
  3. 입을 때.

물다 (to bite)

  1. 물다 -> 물
  2. 물 +을 때
  3. 물을 때.

먹다 (to eat)

  1. 먹다 -> 먹
  2. 먹 +을 때
  3. 먹을 때.


  • 이 셔츠를 입을 때 팔이 아파요. (It hurts when I wear this shirt.)
  • 제 강아지가 제 옷을 물을 때 옷이 찢어졌어요. (My clothes got torn when my dog bit them.)
  • 과자를 먹을 때 너무 행복해요. (I am very happy when I eat snacks.)

3. N 때.

*When 때 is used after a noun, it indicates a particular period of time.

  • 선거 때 = during election period
  • 고등학생 때 = during the time as a high school student
  • 스무 살 때 = when I was 20

때 is not often used with 오전 (a.m.), 오후 (p.m.), 아침 (morning), 밤(night). However, in this case, you can use ‘에’.

  • 오전 때 -> 오전에.
  • 밤 때 -> 밤에.

You may see that many Korean people express '저녁 때' in verbal conversation. This is not grammatically correct, but it is used colloquially.

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