Kory Korean
Basic 08

-(이)나 (as many as, as much as, or no less than)

-(이)나 (as many as, as much as, or no less than)

In Korean, the grammar particle -(이)나 has two distinct meanings: the first one being "or" (either), and the second meaning "as many as," "as much as," or "no less than." We have already discussed the first usage, and now we will focus on the second usage. This particle is used to emphasize the large quantity or amount of something, often expressing surprise or admiration.

When using -(이)나 to express "as many as," "as much as," or "no less than," the pattern is similar to the first usage. If the preceding noun ends with a vowel, use 나, and if it ends with a final consonant, use -(이)나.

1. When the preceding noun or number ends with a vowel, use 나.

  • 저는 집이 두 채나 있어요. (I have as many as two houses.)
  • 선물로 초콜릿을 스무 개나 받았어요. (I received as many as twenty pieces of chocolate as a gift.)
  • 그 사람은 5,000원이나 있어요. (He has as much as 5,000 won.)
  • 저는 한 달에 30시간이나 일해요. (I work as many as 30 hours a month.)

2. When the preceding noun or number ends with a final consonant, use -(이)나.

  • 사과를 열 개나 샀어요. (I bought as many as ten apples.)
  • 파티에 오십 명이나 왔어요. (As many as fifty people came to the party.)
  • 책을 세 권이나 샀어요. (I bought (as many as) three books.)
  • 저는 그 영화를 열 번이나 봤어요. (I watched that movie as many as ten times.)

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