Kory Korean
Basic 04

-에(to, towards, time)

Learn how to use the particle '에' in Korean to indicate direction, destination, and time. This particle is versatile and essential for constructing sentences about movement and events.

1. Location

We have already learned about '에 + 있다/없다'. Today, the '에' that we will learn is commonly used to indicate a destination or direction of movement. For example, "학교에 가다" would be translated as "to go to school." This indicates a specific destination, which is school.

  1. Attach -에 after a verb or noun that indicates a destination or direction of movement. For example:

학교(school) + 에 = 학교에(to school)

more examples:

  • 놀이공원 가다 (go to the amusement park)
  • 돌아가다 (go back home)


  • 나는 공항 갔다. (I went to the airport.)
  • 민지는 쇼핑몰 가서 쇼핑을 했다. (Minji went to the mall and shopped.)
  • 인애는 버스로 한국어 학원 다니고 있다. (Inae takes the bus to Korean language school.)
  • 저는 카페 가서 커피를 마셨어요. (I went to a cafe and drank coffee.)
  • 나는 고향 돌아갈 계획이다. (I plan to return to my hometown.)
  • 영수는 지하철을 타고 서울역 갔다. (Yeongsoo took the subway and went to Seoul Station.)
  • 이번 주말에 우리 가족은 산 등산을 갈 예정이다. (My family is planning to go hiking in the mountains this weekend.)
  • 우리 삼촌은 대학교 들어가서 경제학을 전공했다. (My uncle went to college and majored in economics.)
  • 희주는 항상 운동을 하기 위해 체육관 간다. (Heejoo always go to the gym to exercise.)

2. Time

'에' is also used to indicate time in Korean. occurs. It is translated as ‘on’ or ‘at’ in English.

1. Use '에' after a specific time or period to indicate the time or period at which something happens. For example:

  • 오전 일어나서 아침 식사를 합니다. (I wake up in the morning and have breakfast.)
  • 오후는 영화를 보러 갈 예정입니다. (I am planning to go see a movie in the afternoon.)
  • 목요일 약속이 있습니다. (I have an appointment on Thursday.)
  • 주말는 항상 가족과 함께 시간을 보내요. (I always spend time with my family on the weekends.)

In these examples, '에' is used to indicate a specific time or period. It is important to note that '에' is typically used with specific times, such as "10시에" (at 10 o'clock) or "내일 오후 3시에" (tomorrow at 3 PM). Additionally, '에' can also be used in expressions that refer to recurring times, such as "매일 아침에" (every morning) or "매주 토요일에" (every Saturday).

Here's more examples:

  • 저는 저녁 보통 가정식을 먹어요. (I usually eat home-cooked meals in the evening.)
  • 오늘 밤 친구들과 함께 술을 마실 예정입니다. (I am planning to drink with my friends tonight.)
  • 내일 아침 7시 30분 학교에 가야 해요. (I have to go to school tomorrow morning at 7:30 AM.)
  • 이번 주말 바쁘지 않아서 집에서 쉴 거예요. (I am not busy this weekend so I will relax at home.)
  • 매주 월요일 회의가 있습니다. (We have a meeting every Monday.)
  • 이번 달 생일 파티를 하기로 했어요. (I decided to have a birthday party this month.)
  • 오늘 낮 카페에서 책을 읽을 거예요. (I will read a book at a cafe this afternoon.)
  • 다음 주 여행을 갈 예정입니다. (I am planning to travel next week.)
  • 이번 주는 추운 날씨 때문에 실내에서 쉬는 게 좋겠어요. (It is better to rest indoors this week because of the cold weather.)

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