Kory Korean
Basic 01

-의 (possessive)

The Korean word '의' functions as 'of' in English or the possessive form of a noun (noun's). It is used to express possession. The method to create this is simple. Just put '의' between two nouns.

-의 (possessive)

The Korean word '의' functions as 'of' in English or the possessive form of a noun (noun's). It is used to express possession. The method to create this is simple. Just put '의' between two nouns.


'나' (I) + 의 + 공책 (notebook) = 나의 공책 (my notebook)

Let’s take a look at more examples:

  • '나' (I) + 의 + 자동차 (car) = 나의 자동차 (my car)
  • '나' (I) + 의 + 친구 (friend) = 나의 친구 (my friend)
  • '나' (I) + 의 + 집 (house) = 나의 집 (my house)
  • '나' (I) + 의 + 가족 (family) = 나의 가족 (my family)
  • '나' (I) + 의 + 핸드폰 (phone) = 나의 핸드폰 (my phone)
  • '나' (I) + 의 + 신발 (shoes) = 나의 신발 (my shoes)
  • '나' (I) + 의 + 반려견 (pet dog) = 나의 반려견 (my pet dog)
  • '나' (I) + 의 + 여행 (trip) = 나의 여행 (my trip)
  • '나' (I) + 의 + 취미 (hobby) = 나의 취미 (my hobby)
  • '나' (I) + 의 + 음악 (music) = 나의 음악 (my music)

Here are example sentences using different subjects:

  1. '나' (I) + 의 + 음악 (music) = 나의 음악 (my music)
  2. '그녀' (she) + 의 + 책 (book) = 그녀의 책 (her book)
  3. '그' (he) + 의 + 모자 (hat) = 그의 모자 (his hat)
  4. '엄마' (mom) + 의 + 음식 (food) = 엄마의 음식 (mom's food)
  5. '아빠' (dad) + 의 + 차 (car) = 아빠의 차 (dad's car)
  6. '동생' (younger brother/sister) + 의 + 노트북 (laptop) = 동생의 노트북 (younger brother/sister's laptop)
  7. '친구' (friend) + 의 + 선물 (gift) = 친구의 선물 (friend's gift)
  8. '선생님' (teacher) + 의 + 가르침 (teaching) = 선생님의 가르침 (teacher's teaching)
  9. '회사' (company) + 의 + 정책 (policy) = 회사의 정책 (company's policy)
  10. '나라' (country) + 의 + 문화 (culture) = 나라의 문화 (country's culture)
  11. '개' (dog) + 의 + 집 (house) = 개의 집 (dog's house)

However, in our everyday conversations, '의' is often omitted. It would be more accurate to say that it is abbreviated rather than omitted.

Ex: 나의 -> 내 (내 친구 my friend) 저의 -> 제 (제 동생 my younger brother/sister) 너의 -> 네 (네 장갑 your gloves)

*우리? 저희? What's the difference?

It's important to note that using '저희' when referring to one's country implies that the country is lower in position or rank than the person you're speaking to. In this case, it's better to use '우리.'

The pronunciation of '의' in Korean may not be easy. Sometimes it sounds like '에' or '애'. If you pronounce it as '의자' right from the beginning, it can be pronounced quickly as '의자', making it easier. However, when you use it in front of a noun, it may sound like a mixture of '에' or '애'. Ex: 의자에/애

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