Kory Korean
Basic 09

-마다 (every)

-마다 (Every)

In Korean, '-마다' is a grammar point used to express the concept of 'every' or 'each' when referring to a regular occurrence or a certain interval. This grammar point is commonly used with time intervals, objects, or even situations.

'-마다' is attached to a noun to indicate that a certain action or event occurs at regular intervals or applies to every instance of that noun. It can be used in various contexts, such as describing routines, habits, or generalizations.


  1. 토요일마다 운동을 합니다. (I exercise every week.)

  2. 저는 아침마다 커피를 마십니다. (I drink coffee every morning.)

  3. 학생들마다 성격이 다르다. (Each student has a different personality.)

  4. 밤마다 책을 읽습니다. (I read a book every night.)

  5. 일주일마다 청소를 해요. (I clean every week.)

  6. 연말마다 여행을 갑니다. (I travel every year-end.)

'-마다' can also be used with larger time intervals, such as months or years, to describe events or occurrences that happen at those specific intervals.

*날마다, 일주일마다, 달마다 and 해마다 can be ‘매일, 매주, 매월/매달 and 매년’, respectively.

  • 날마다 신문을 받아요. = 매일 신문을 받아요. (I get newspapers every day.)
  • 일주일마다 청소를 해요 = 매주마다 청소를 해요. (I clean every week.)
  • 매달 마다 친구들과 모임을 가집니다. (I have a gathering with friends every month.)

The Korean grammar point '-마다' is used to express 'every' or 'each' when referring to a regular occurrence or a certain interval.

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