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50 Korean Words for Business and Work2025-02-15
50 Korean Words for Business and Work

Whether you're working in Korea or conducting business with Korean companies, knowing essential business vocabulary is crucial. This guide provides 50 important Korean words related to business, office environments, and professional interactions.

Office and Workplace Terms

  1. 회사 (Hoesa) - Company

  2. 사무실 (Samusil) - Office

  3. 직장 (Jikjang) - Workplace

  4. 회의실 (Hoeuisil) - Meeting room

  5. 책상 (Chaeksang) - Desk

  6. 컴퓨터 (Keompyuteo) - Computer

  7. 전화기 (Jeonhwagi) - Telephone

  8. 프린터 (Peurinteo) - Printer

  9. 문서 (Munseo) - Document

  10. 이메일 (Imeil) - Email

Job Positions and Titles

  1. 직원 (Jigwon) - Employee

  2. 사장 (Sajang) - CEO/President

  3. 부장 (Bujang) - Department head

  4. 과장 (Gwa-jang) - Manager

  5. 대리 (Daeri) - Assistant manager

  6. 팀장 (Timjang) - Team leader

  7. 동료 (Dongnyo) - Colleague

  8. 신입사원 (Sin-ib sawon) - New employee

  9. 인턴 (Inteon) - Intern

  10. 상사 (Sangsa) - Boss/Superior

Work-Related Actions

  1. 출근하다 (Chulgunhada) - To go to work

  2. 퇴근하다 (Toegeunhada) - To leave work

  3. 회의하다 (Hoeuihada) - To have a meeting

  4. 보고하다 (Bogohada) - To report

  5. 작성하다 (Jakseonghada) - To write (a document)

  6. 이메일을 보내다 (Imeireul bonaeda) - To send an email

  7. 프레젠테이션하다 (Peurejenteisyeonhada) - To give a presentation

  8. 계약하다 (Geyakhada) - To make a contract

  9. 승인하다 (Seung-inhada) - To approve

  10. 거절하다 (Geojeolhada) - To reject

Office Supplies and Equipment

  1. 파일 (Pail) - File

  2. 서류 (Seoryu) - Paperwork

  3. 명함 (Myeongham) - Business card

  4. 볼펜 (Bolpen) - Ballpoint pen

  5. 연필 (Yeonpil) - Pencil

  6. 노트북 (Noteubuk) - Laptop

  7. 화이트보드 (Hwaiteubodeu) - Whiteboard

  8. 마우스 (Mauseu) - Mouse

  9. 복사기 (Boksagi) - Copier

  10. 서랍 (Seorap) - Drawer

Workplace Culture and Activities

  1. 야근 (Yageun) - Overtime

  2. 휴가 (Hyuga) - Vacation

  3. 점심시간 (Jeomsimsigan) - Lunch break

  4. 출장 (Chuljang) - Business trip

  5. 연봉 (Yeonbong) - Annual salary

  6. 성과 (Seonggwa) - Performance

  7. 회식 (Hoeshik) - Company dinner

  8. 인사 평가 (Insa pyeongga) - Employee evaluation

  9. 승진 (Seungjin) - Promotion

  10. 퇴직 (Toejik) - Retirement