Nouns are the building blocks of any language, helping you name people, places, and things. This guide provides 50 essential Korean nouns that are commonly used in daily conversations, making it easier for you to communicate effectively.
사람 (Saram) - Person
친구 (Chingu) - Friend
가족 (Gajok) - Family
남자 (Namja) - Man
여자 (Yeoja) - Woman
아이 (Ai) - Child
어른 (Eoreun) - Adult
학생 (Haksaeng) - Student
선생님 (Seonsaengnim) - Teacher
의사 (Uisa) - Doctor
집 (Jip) - House/Home
학교 (Hakgyo) - School
병원 (Byeongwon) - Hospital
식당 (Sikdang) - Restaurant
공원 (Gongwon) - Park
도서관 (Doseogwan) - Library
은행 (Eunhaeng) - Bank
시장 (Sijang) - Market
편의점 (Pyeonuijeom) - Convenience store
회사 (Hoesa) - Company
책 (Chaek) - Book
연필 (Yeonpil) - Pencil
공책 (Gongchaek) - Notebook
시계 (Sigye) - Clock/Watch
가방 (Gabang) - Bag
휴대폰 (Hyudaepon) - Mobile phone
컴퓨터 (Keompyuteo) - Computer
텔레비전 (Tellebijeon) - Television
문 (Mun) - Door
창문 (Changmun) - Window
밥 (Bap) - Rice/Meal
국 (Guk) - Soup
김치 (Kimchi) - Kimchi
과일 (Gwa-il) - Fruit
채소 (Chaeso) - Vegetables
물 (Mul) - Water
차 (Cha) - Tea
커피 (Keopi) - Coffee
우유 (Uyu) - Milk
빵 (Ppang) - Bread
해 (Hae) - Sun
달 (Dal) - Moon
별 (Byeol) - Star
나무 (Namu) - Tree
꽃 (Kkot) - Flower
산 (San) - Mountain
바다 (Bada) - Sea
비 (Bi) - Rain
눈 (Nun) - Snow
바람 (Baram) - Wind